sea of green
At 兵庫県三田アスレチック「カナディアン大磯」(2012)
カウントダウン at 大阪・北加賀屋「STUDIO WAREHOUSE」(2012→2013)
カウントダウン at 大阪・北加賀屋「STUDIO WAREHOUSE」(2013→2014)Music flyer
sea of green official web site
新たな展開として、レコードレーベル「sea of green records」も始動。
Started in Kansai, this music festival has been held in various locations, mostly outdoors, in various seasons for 13 years.
Amisiki has handled their logos, flyers, tickets, access maps, timetables, entry passes, and other graphic design for this event. Artwork on the cover and maps are by Yukki Uchida.