大阪府出身、現在オランダ在住のグラフィックデザイナー。京都嵯峨芸術大学卒業後、大阪のデザインスタジオ「真之助事務所」(現・真之助デザイン shinn.co.jp )を経て、フリーランスとしての活動を開始。ブランディング、ロゴ、そこから派生するグラフィックツール、パッケージデザイン、イラストレーションを中心に、ウェブサイトのデザイン、壁画、立体、個人的な依頼、あるいはそれ以外のあらゆるクリエイティブな制作を行っています。デザインの一部としてのイラストや文字を制作することが多く、紙にペンで手描くアナログなイラストとデジタルなイラストの両方を描くことも特徴です。
2019年よりオランダに移住。それまでは、海に囲まれた島国 日本でデザインを続けてきました。観光デザインや、文化的なデザインを受けるようになったある時、日本を日本の外から見る必要性を感じたことをきっかけに、日本の外に冒険に出てみることに決めました。日本の本当の魅力とは。日本の何が特別なのか。それを伝えるために必要なデザインとは?
Hello! I’m Ami from AMISIKI, a graphic designer born in Osaka and currently living in the Netherlands. After graduating from Kyoto Saga University of Arts, I join Osaka based designing studio “Shinnoske Design” (www.shinn.co.jp) . After that started freelancing. I focus on branding, logos, graphic designs derived from them, package design, and illustrations, as well as website design, murals, 3D works, personal commissions, and any other creativities. Much of my works consists of my original illustrated designs, and they are characterized by my draws both analog illustrations, hand-drawn with pen on paper, and digital illustrations.
I moved to the Netherlands in 2019. Until then, I continued to design works in Japan, an island surrounded by the sea. At one point, I started receiving many offers tourism design and cultural design, I felt the need to understand about Japan objectively from outside Japan. What is the true charms of Japan? What is uniqueness about Japan? What kind of design is necessary to convey these?
Therefore, I decided to venture outside of Japan. It would be an absolute pleasure to bring your vision to positive energy and get clearly results, be it through AMISIKI’s creativity from the Netherlands.
It is said that people from over 180 countries live in the Netherlands, with a lot of cultures and languages. I am inspired by them, in addition music and things from old times, and I am particularly drawn to things that have a playful mind. The styles of my work seem to widely, but what they have in common is that they provide a little funny and warmth, as well as solid functionality.
I’m still on an adventure. I’m researching and practicing European design, and am also challenging out local designs from the Netherlands. Always eager to work with new techniques, and looking for an exciting experience in the creative design.